Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Working with Canada’s next top model, Jessica Frampton

A co-worker is working to become a model, and now she just got her new business card. If you know someone, or you are in the industry, contact her, through, or call (416)839-2805 and ask to use Jessica Frampton.

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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Mission Impossible III

This Summer, I did not rush out to see a movie each weekend, however I did go and see the big ones. Well the first one for me was, Mission impossible III, and you might think that I’m crazy for this but I when and saw this movie on my vacation when I was in Vancouver, (it was fun, to go out to a movie out side of Toronto)
I really did not have plans to see this movie, at that time, however with all the good reviews for it, and all the bad reviews for the The Da Vinci Code, we went to go see this one

Ok, this movie was blah. What do I mean by that? Well, it just did not do anything for me, and I don’t think it was worth my time and money to go and see it in a theater. I would say that it’s an ok rental, but that is all. But what really pissed me off about this movie, was not anything in the movie, but the things that the critics were saying about it.
Some things people were saying about it :

The perfect summer movie -- fast-paced, action-packed, emotionally engaging (without demanding too much investment), and pure, unadulterated eye candy. Whattya want for 10 bucks?
Full Review

For all of the movie's professional craft and lovely vertigo, the experience is like eating popcorn in a guillotine.

Ok I, must be completely off in left field, but I did not enjoy this movie at all, I felt like I was watching a movie from the 80’s, or early 90’s. It was the same old formal, good guy, and girlfriend having a good time, just being good people; bad guy does something bad, and kidnaps girlfriend; good guy goes underground to get bad guy, and save the girl; blah blah blah…… I’m so boarded. Maybe I watch too many movies, and I have become too cenacle; and you may love this movie, with all of its predictable twists and turns, its super human stunts, and all of its special effects. So I would not try to stop people from seeing it, it looks like a lot of people had a good time with it, but I did not.
5/10 nothing new here.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Playing with my PSP again

One of the things I got for my Birthday was two $50 EB (Electronics Boutique) gift cards. Well I just used them on two new games for my PSP. Tekken Dark Resurrection and Def Jam: Fight for NY: The Takeover, now I can dust off my PSP. Both games play really well, and I do not have problem pulling off the fighting moves in them. Right now I’m playing Def Jam (not a game for the little ones), and I’m having a good time playing it. If you have a PSP and like fighting games you need to get these two games, good times all around.
But don’t get Def Jam for your kids.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


This weekend I saw the movie Poseidon, I did not expect too much from this movie, and my initial impressions were correct, this was a hard movie to watch. I’m really sick of seeing dumb people do dumb things just to move a story in a certain direction.
There was one thing that was good about the film. The flipping of the boat, looked as real as I possibly could image, it was well done, however it was way to short.
Now the story it self is poorly written, and just annoying too watch. You can read Al's review as well, at Al’s Blog Spot

4/10 a 4 for the good effects, 0 for the story

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I got my New/Safer Dell Battery

Well I received my new; and Safer Dell Battery today. I really wanted to keep my old one, because I did not have any problems with it, however they are going to charge me for the new one, if I don't return the old one within 10 business days. Funny how they have 20 business days to get me the new battery, but I only have 10, oh well. I'm happy with the service, so I can't complain too much.

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Saturday, September 16, 2006

The Black Dahlia

Ok, it has been some time since I have been out to see a movie on a Friday night. Well this Friday, some of us from work went out to see a movie, and we ended up seeing this one: The Black Dahlia, with Josh Hartnett, Scarlett Johansson, Hilary Swank and Aaron Eckhart. They all did a good acting job in the movie, and it had a really nice look to it as well.

Ok lets get down to the nitty-gitty, this movie sucked the big one!!, I was so board, I did not care for any of the characters, the story was convoluted, and felt very contrived. It's tries to weave a complex mystery, and draw you in, however, in the end it does not make any logical sense, and I don't care.

Good acting, but a crap story, 3/10

Friday, September 08, 2006

Holy air conditioner Batman!!

We visted our friends, Tony and Mark on the weekend for a BBQ. The food was great and their house looks amazing. We could not help but notice a new addtion to their backyard, The Koolatron 5000 air conditioner. I think the same one cools the skydome.

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Thursday, September 07, 2006

Dan's Front Door Paint Project

Dan had this week off, so he gave himself some project to do around the house. One of those projects was to paint the inside of the front door, a dark colour. Now I did not want to do this, but after seeing our friends home, and what they did with their door, he was going to do it and not be stopped.

Day 1
I was not too happy with the way it came out, and neither was he. Now this looked really good in our friends house, but it did not work in ours.
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Day 2
he decided to go with a lighter colour. This looked really good however, there were problems with the paint, and when you got close to the door, you could see lots of cracksPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Day 3
After going to home Depot, and spending 3 days on this door project (that should have taken 1h), the front door now looks really good.
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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Silent Hill

I really did not want to see this movie, I mean I really really did not want to see this movie, however my brother told Dan that it was a good movie, so we rented it. I don't like movies with spooky kids, I find the plot device tired, and this movie was all about the spooky kid. That was one thing, the other item that was tired, was all the running around, finding nothing, and being chased by things that had no purpose other than to chase you around. This went on for over 1 hour of the movie, before any real story was told, but to my surprise I found myself interested in the story. Also I understood what happened at that end of the movie, and I liked that part. (If you do see this movie and don't understand what happened just ask and I will tell you what I think). The One thing I would say is that having a Christian background, helps you understand it better.

5.5/10 It takes way to long to get to the interesting stuff, however I like the fact, that they don't spoon feed you what happened, or what is going on. to to

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


What should I say about this movie, with Jennifer Aniston and Clive Owen. I did not have any real problem with this movie, however I was able to see what was coming, which does not say much. I'm someone that can't see twists and turns in movies, so that fact that I could see this one coming does not say much for this movie. I would say watch this movie for the two actors, and not so much for the story, I thought that they were good in it.

5/10 I did not hate it

Friday, September 01, 2006

Red Eye

Ok, I'm going to start and give my 2cents about the movies I have seen, so lets get to it.

Last week I saw the movie "Red Eye" with Rachel McAdams and Cillian Murphy, and I would have to say that the movie was enjoyable to watch. Now there were a lot of problems with the story that you have to look past, however the two main characters were written well, they were both smart and believable and the pace was good. The airport scene had alot of problems, but I let that pass, because I liked the characters. However there was one person that I had a problem with, but I don't want to say, with out giving to much away.

6.5/10 good acting, with some story problems