Friday, November 25, 2005


For some unknown reason I really wanted to see this movie, because it looked like a high end take on reincarnation. I was expecting to see an intellectual take on the subject, interwoven in a good story and good actors; all I got was the good actors.

This was a boring story, told so slowly, it will drive you mad. There must be only 10 pages of dialogue for the whole 2 hours. Most of the film was spent on people looking longingly into space (for people that know me, it was like watching the anime "Lien")

But that was not the worst of it. There was a scene in a bath tub with an adult and a 10 year old boy. This scene was disgusting and unnecessary. Not only was this a bad story, but they felt they had to put in a scene, that went too far.

 I give this peace of crap 2/10

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