Tuesday, January 30, 2007

End of My Vacation

Well, we got back yesterday, and I finally got a good night sleep. The cruises was good and relaxing, and did not do anything, witch was the best thing about it.

Here are some pictures of the cruise, I did not do too much, so I don't have too meany.

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingThis is Dan on my computer in the Air Canada First class lounge. Thanks again Feli.

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingThis was the Holiday Inn that we stayed in, before day before the cruises, it was a really big room, however the bed were hard, and I did not get any sleep.

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPlaying golf on the top of the cruise ship.


Photobucket - Video and Image HostingLeaving port, in Ft Lauderdale Florida. 

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingWatching movies "under the stars" as they put it. This ship had an outdoor LCD screen for watching movies. It was nice, but the picture could have been better.

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingI did go to the gym when I was there, and I did not gain weight, so I'm happy with myself for that.

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image HostingGetting off the boat and and heading out to the beach. For most of the time I stayed on the boat, however I did get off to play some beach volleyball. I don't have any pictures of me playing

I should go to bed now. There are more pictures on my Flickr page, if you want to look. talk to you later.

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Monday, January 29, 2007

Second Last Day of My Vacation

Well, I'm back in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and in the airport waiting to get on the plane, and as usual, Air Canada was not ready for all the people that had early flights. Sometimes, I just don't know what they are thinking, I would assume that go though two or more early flights once a week, so why are they not ready for it? or is it's just my luck? Oh well.

Crap, they are boarding the plane, I will talk to you later.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Connected Vacation

Second day of my connected vacation, and the connection is brutally slow. We are on the ship now, The Caribbean Princess of Princess Cruises, and day has gone by so fast. I'm too tiered right now, and I'm going to bed. I will talk to you later

Saturday, January 20, 2007

End of first day of my Connected Vacation

Well we arived in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, un-scathed, despite air Canada best efforts, (Just joking the flight was fine). We were sitting beside, Ann from Thornhill. An older lady heading on a cruise as well.

The in-flight movie was "Open Season". I can't say too much about this one, I was looking at it one of those small LCD screens that are over your head, and the one that was set up for my set was too close, so I could not see any that happened in a cave or at night or under water. However The movie felt old and done already, it was not funny, and did not do anything for me.
4/10 Nothing new here smile_thinking

After waiting a bit for our luggage, and saying good by to Ann, we were off to the hotel, Holiday Inn Express, too meet up with Dan's parents. When we got there we were pleasantly surprised, at how nice the room was, and how big it was. Dan's father had some points so, we did not have to pay for the room, witch was so nice. Anyways, we went to get some McDonalds (there goes my diet smile_embaressed), across the street; (god, their street are so wide, how are people suppose to j-walk!) We saw Dan's parents, and they told us the hell they had to go though to get here; Lets just say that they will never fly Air Canada again (no surprise). And now I'm doing this blog entry and going to bed.

I hope to post from the ship tomorrow, if I can't I will post again next sunday. Talk to you later.  

First Day of my Vacation

Things are going well so far, I don't think I have forgot anything, there was no traffic going to the air port, my mother and brother are looking after the house and Frodo, and my dad will pick us up when we get back, I think we are all set.

whenever I go though security, I'm always delayed, just a bit, and the people that I'm traveling with always have to wait for me. It's always something; looking at my computer; patting me down, in a random search; just any number of things, and this time was no different. I had all my stuff out and ready to scan, my shoes and belt were off, I was ready to go. I walked though (no beeps, good), but my stuff was still in the scanner; what's going on. The security people were all running, and looked like they did not know were to go or what to do, and I'm thinking that it has something to do with my computer. However they were not looking or talking about me or the computer. 2 minutes go by and they are still running around talking about something, then I find out that someone want to take a brake, and they are trying to find someone to take that person place. It's always something.

I got my stuff, and now I get to partake in the big treat, before our flight, we get to go and sit in the first class lounge. Yes the Air Canada Maple Leaf Lounge. It's not the most posh place in the world and it is not worth the money, however it is nice and quiet, and the chairs, are nice and comfortable. I really have to thank Feli again for giving Dan and I the guess passes; Thanks Feli!!. I'm writing this blog entry from a work station, in the lounge. I only thing that upsets me is that they should have this for all people that come to the airport. it dose not feel like it would be hard to do.

I hope to post all week, so I will try to do another post when we get to our hotel in Florida, we should have internet access there. Hope to talk to you later.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Not much to say today (but games for all)

Got into work just before 10am today, I did  not want to get into work early today, because  I have a late volleyball game at 8:00pm tonight, and I will not be going home after work, I will stay at work and try and get some more work done before I head out to the game. I hope my performance is better tonight, than Monday nights, I really sucked that night.

My Diet is going well, I don't know how much I have lost, however, I'm starting to see a change. Not too much of a change yet, and I don't think others can see it yet, but I can see a little change in my stomach, and I do feel a little bit stronger in "Group Pump" class at the gym. Food is the hardest part, and I'm using meal replacement shakes to help me not eat so much. I started out with Slim fast, then moved over to "Myoplex Original Nutrition Shake" (after reading a number of reviews about how bad Slim fast is for you). However I think I might move back to Slim fast. Why you ask? Well I have to say that I don't like the taste of the Myoplex, and it just cost too much money; $70 Canadian vs $8 Canadian for the Slim Fast (This will help me save money as well). I know that Myoplex is better for you, but I don't want make this diet feel like work, I really need to feel like, I like what I'm doing, for this to work, and for me to stick with it. I'm also starting to eat a banana and a apple between meals; now this is harder for me, because I don't like eating fruits, but I'm become accustom to it, I just don't know how long I will continue.

Oh, one last thing, related to Windows Vista. Last night I was looking into updating the look of my WordPress Blog, when I came across Jonathan's Shrine page. There he has instruction on how to install Windows Vista games on Windows XP. I tried it out, and it worked. Take a look.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

I just might get an Apple as my next Computer

A friend just sent me this link, showing Parallels running windows on a Mac OSX computer. I would love to work with both Mac and Windows, however, I would like it better if it was windows running OSX, and not the other way around. If I stop playing games, I think I just might look into this.

Take a look. NOTE: You will need QuickTime, to see the video.

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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I Suck at volleyball

I did not do too well in volleyball last night, I was stiff, and could not move, so we lost 2 out of three games, I hope I can pick it up for the next game monday game I play, witch will be in 2 weekssmile_sad, I will be gone on vacation. I have a Thursday volleyball game this week, and I really need to work hard with this last game.

I hope to keep up with my physical activities, wile on vacation, but I find it hard to do so, without going to a scheduled class. I also find it hard to push myself out side of the group exercises environment, so I hope that this is the year that I change all of that.

Oh and on another note, Dan and I are watching the 24 one hour a day, so now we are only on episode "hour #2". This may not have been a good idea, people are talking about how good the 4 hours were, and I don't want to know anything that happens.

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Monday, January 15, 2007

Slow Drive into Work

Well this was the first day that I really got to test out my new snow tries, and I think they handled really well. The roads were extremely slippery this morning, and I could still feel the wheels spinning, however they did grip a lot faster then I'm uses too. It tool me 50 minutes to get into work, were it usually takes me 30 minutes. Yesterday I said that I was going to get up early, so that I can shovel, however it was just ice on the driveway, so I did not bother.

On to other things, tonight is the first night of our winter volleyball season, and we are going to be down one player, I hope that we don't get killed. But I'm still looking forward to it.

On a work related note, I'm still having trouble concentrating, and focusing. I have started to take some Omega 3-6-9 capsules, in the hopes that it will help me. I just need to find things that will help me change some of my bad habits. I participate in volleyball two times a week, and go to the gym 3 days, I think I will have to remove one day of volleyball, and look into taking a English writing course, I really need the help with my writing skills. Well we will have to see how things go, if I can find a course that is on Saturday mornings, I should be ok. Keeping myself active is good for the mind too, or at least that it what I hear.

Anyways, only 6 days until my vacation, can't wait. smile_shades

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Lots to Talk About

Ok, where do I begin. I'm going to try and keep things short, it is Sunday night, and there are a lot of good show on that I want to watch ( I watch way too much TV smile_embaressed )

Ok, yesterday we had a small poker night, with some people from volleyball. We got into a heated discussion about politics; now I know that you should not talk about religion or politics, however I love talking about both. It was fun.
Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting


One of the girls brought over some Wasabi Sen (Chips). I don't like Wasabi, however I wanted to try some, so I opened the bag this morning and found a nice surprise in the bag.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
why would food need something like this?

My brother stopped by to drop off a hat that he found for Dan, it's the hat that I have always wantedsmile_angry. I will look better on me.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


This was the first snow fall of the year, were the snow stayed on the ground, and I will have to get up in the morning to shovel driveway, I'm not looking forward to Monday morning, but now I get to see how my new snow tries handle in this weather.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


One last thing, Dan has a friend at work who's husband is a writer, of fantasies short stories. I'm going to read his latest story, Homecoming by Bruce Durham. Take a look, and ff you like it, vote for his story at the Science Fiction & Fantasy Short Story published in 2006 page.
 Some of the awards he has won.

Now I'm going to watch, 24, Rome and The Apprentice.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Le Cafe Michi, good sushi

Yesterday at work, girl_handsacrossamericahethos did not bring her lunch, and she wanted to head out for something to eat. I was just going to have my protein shake, (I was doing so well with them ), but I told her that I could go for Indian, or Japanese (I should not have said that smile_embaressed, and she jumped at the opening ). She said that she knows of a really good sushi place in Scarborough ( east part of Toronto ) called Le Cafe Michi, and it has a really good chirashi bowl. I had some doubts about that statement, I have not had a good chirashi bowl, since "Sushi House" (you will have to ask girl_handsacrossamericahethos about that place). So three of us from work went out to this place. The other co-worker that came with us, lived in Japan for a number of years, and speaks fluent Japanese. He has also said that he has not found a good Sushi restaurant in Toronto, since he has moved to Canada. I told him that Vancouver and Toronto, have the best sushi, outside of Japan, and girl_handsacrossamericahethos had told him about some good places he should try out, however he has not had the time to try them out yet. So this was the first time that he was going to try one of hethos suggestions.

Well all I can say is thank you girl_handsacrossamericahethos, the chirashi bowl was so good. If you like Japanese food you have to try this place. the only thing is that it was a little pricy; $28 for the chhirashi bowl, and the service for us was a bit slow (we got back after 2pm smile_embaressed). Also our other co-worker that was with us, said that it was so good too. We all ordered the same thing.

Le Cafe Michi

1802 Pharmacy Avenue
Scarborough, ON M1T 1H6

 View map 


Friday, January 12, 2007

Trying out "Windows Live Writer" and watching the Movie Ultraviolet

Now that I have more then one Blog to maintain, I felt the needed to find a tool that would let me post to all of them at once. I found a few, however they did not support MSN Spaces ( sorry I mean Windows Live Spaces ). Then I saw a review of Live Writer, from someone that does not like Microsoft, and they love it. so I thought I would give it a try, plus it supports all 4 Blogs that I have.

I'm writing this entry wile watching the movie, OMG, this movie is so bad it is hard to describe. I don't have much to say about this one, I liked the opening credits sequence, with the comic covers flying by. and the look of the film, was vary nice. However there was no story, or coherent story, or a story that I would even care about. Don't waste your time with this one. This move was on par with Catwoman
3/10 This is a bad one smile_sick

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Apple iPhone ( Disappointing )

I’m disappointed with Apple right now. Yesterday I was so giddy with excitement, after seeing the new iPhone (the name may change if they lose the lawsuit). It looked like the phone I have always wanted, and with some of the problems I have had with my O2, I was going to save up all my pennies for this one. However today I find out that the iPhone will not support 3rd party applications, WHAT THE HELL!!! How is this phone better or smarter than a “Smart Phone” if people can’t write programs for it!? They made a big deal about the fact that the iPhone has OS X on it; what does that matter, if people can’t create software for it. I’m really hoping that this is wrong, or that Apple changes their mind on this one, and 3rd party applications can be created for the phone. If not, I don’t think I will be getting one, my O2 Atom is a lot better.

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

What to do?

God, I’m finding it so hard to concentrate today, it is now becoming a big problem for me. I need to find something (some method, or some drug ) that will help me focus on one task at a time. I tried an antidepressant last year sometime, but I could not live with the side effects. Has anyone out there had this problem, and has found a way to deal with it? I doing this quick entry, just because I can’t focus on the work that I should be doing, or maybe it’s because I’m a bit under the weather today. Oh well back to work.

On another note, I have stopped using “Slim Fast”; I’m now trying a new meal replacement shake, called Myoplex Original. It dose not taste as good as Slim Fast however it is better for you. Also I have hit 175lbs. now I just have to keep myself under that for my upcoming cruise (witch will be hard).

Monday, January 08, 2007

Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector

I don’t care that it only got 7% on the Rotten Tomatoes web site, I loved this movie. I was laughing all the way though it, from beginning to end. It was gross poorly scripted, and a lot of the jokes, I have seen or herd before, but for some reason, this Larry guy made me laugh. I did not want to see it but Dan recorded it, and wanted to watch it tonight. I was doing work on my computer not fully paying attention to it, however it sucked me in. I will not tell any one to go and see it, however, if you come across it, give it a try, you may like it, I did. I you don’t, don’t blame me, but if you do, you can kiss my big fat black hairy ass!!!

6.5/10 Maybe I'm just in a good mood

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Finally got into CORA’S for breakfast

We have been trying to find new restaurants in Markham for a long time, so when we saw a new restaurant opening up, we could not wait. The first time we want to go there, it was not open yet; the second time, we found out the place closes at 3pm, it was 3:30pm, well the place is call CORA’S breakfast-lunch. The third time, we went was this Saturday, and the lineup was out the door, I guess there are a lot of other people that want a new type of restaurant in Markham; I did not want to wait. Sunday we got up and got there for 8am, and this time we got in, but there were a lot of people there already. They are famous for their crepes and fruit plates, and was it worth the wait? I would say so, it was good, but it was a bit costly.
CORA'S Breakfast-Lunch