Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Here I go again, another Blog

Well I'm trying out another blog, VOX, and I'm liking this one. Hethos told me that this site, was made by the people that created LiveJournal, and I'm finding this kick at the can much better.

That is all I have to say for today, nothing new is happening; gym work home, and TV. Blah.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Last 10lbs are Always the Hardest

I did not reach my goal of 169lbs last week, and I really don't know why. I thought I was doing all the right things; going to the gym, playing volleyball, eating the right foods, I just could not hit the 169 mark, Well at lest this morning I hit the 170.0lbs, so I was happy about that.

I'm Still playing around with FaceBook, and I'm finding that I'm really liking it. The only thing I don't like is that it's mostly designed for people that you meet off the net, and it's not good for talking to people that may have the same interest as you on the net, but you have not seen in person. So I'm going to stick to all my other blogs, and use faceBook too.

I would like to thank Peter for correcting the errors on my last Blog entry, thanks again.

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Monday, February 26, 2007

I have been Negligent in my Blogging Duties, (Poker and other things)

Well, I have not done too much in the last few days, and I have not had too much to talk about (not really, I'm just lazy).

Last Wednesday I saved someone's life, yes, I really saved someone's life. It happened in my early morning spinning (cycling) class. Class was just getting started, and we where all just getting warmed up. When the guy beside my bike tipped over without warning, and he fell into me. The only thing he was able to grab onto was me. I was startled, but I was glad I was there, if not he would have went right into another bike, and the floor. Well maybe saying that I saved someone's life might be over stating things, but it makes me feel good, heheheh smile_wink Like a super hero.

Speaking of super heroes, I have been feeling like Black Lightning lately; no no more like Static Shock . The air is so dry in my house that I go around shocking everything I touch, it's starting to become annoying. and I'm afraid that I'm going to fry my Dell Notebook, or something.

Ok Now getting to the good and the bad of the weekend. Well it was mostly good; for me anyways, heheheh. Saturday Night was poker night, at Rods place, and I would say that we all had a good time. I was getting good hands most of the night, however most times people were getting better. Hethos was cleaning up all night, and she said that she sucks at poker, BLAH!!!. And when I got a hand with 4 of a kind, Rod goes and gets 5 of a kind. You would think that after all of that, things would start to go my way, well no....... userinfolegostargateman had to call the evil and hate game of "In-Between" (click the link if you don't know this game, that way you will know never to play this evil game! smile_tongue). we were stuck on this one game for the next hour, and I lost so much money (oh, how I hate that game). But it was ok, by the end of the night (2amsmile_yawn) I had won my money back, and walked away with an extra $15, not a bad night if I do say so my self.

Next poker night is at My place, looking forward to it.

Anthony Sylvester's Facebook profileOh and one last note, someone at work has pointed me to another online social networking site FaceBook. I think that it is nice and clean, so I have set up a page.

Monday, February 19, 2007

The Weekend to End Breast Cancer

This morning, I received an email from a friend telling me that her sister-in-law is fighting breast cancer, also, just last week, I found out that a co-worker is also fighting cancer. I also lost my aunt to breast cancer, so when I got this email from my friend asking for money, for a breast cancer walk, I was happy to give. I you feel that you can help, click here.


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Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Good, The Bad.... that's it

The Bad

Saw the movie, "Scary Move 4", god, it was so bad. Now I love to watch Anna Faris in any movie, and I really liked her in this movie, she was funny, as always. How ever I don't Have too much to say about it this movie. The first two movies were good, and funny, the third one was just ok, and this last one was just bad. Oh, and I also liked Regina Hall, she is also really funny in this movie, other then that, it just sucked.

4/10 smile_sick I only gave it a 4 for for Anna Faris, and Regina Hall,

Today was not a good for my diet, I just could not stop eating. I'm really going to have too work hard this week, to lose the weight I put on today. My goal for the week is to get down to 169lbs.

The Good

Things started off really good, on Thursday we had a big win in volleyball. We were behind 14 to 24, we ended up winning 25/24; Keith and Sahar, both had 5 serves in a row, it was an amazing.

My weight was really starting to go down this week, I reached 171lbs, and I started to get some help on line; like from Peter (thanks again peter, for the document you sent me).

My favorite show just got good again; Naruto. We have had a year of crap, and now start the new story line, and it started off so good, I can't wait for next week episode. If you like Anime, and have not see Naruto, you should give it a try. I love how the show is now moving forward, kids are growing up and things are getting serious.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Brain Evolution (Were do I start, with Training my Brain?)

Today I'm bit discouraged and baffled. This year I'm trying to change a bunch of things in my life; it was my new year’s resolution, things like, losing weight; be more active; improve my English writing skills, stuff like that. One thing I'm starting to look into, is to improve my mind; my cognitive thinking, and memory, I finger that it will help me with my writing. Now that I'm looking into some ways to train my brain, I'm finding out, that people don't have too much respect for the concept of training your brain, however they have no problem with the idea of training/workout your body; I find the reaction strange. It's not that people are rude about it, it's just that their reactions or more a look of pity, or they give me that look, that says, (are out of your mind?). I'm going to try not to let that discourage me too much; I will just have to do the training with supportsmile_sad.

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingI really don't know where to start with brain training, exercises. I the first thing I have found, and like to do, is play Spb Brain Evolution game, I found at Spb Software House (they make software for Pocket PC). I was disappointed with the score I got when I first started to play the games in Brain Evolution, but Now I can see that I'm getting better at it. And I love the fact that it's on my phone; I always have it with me and I can play the games any time I want.

I really wish that hypnosis was real, and it really worked, I think I would try it. Oh well I guess I have to do things the hard way.

Monday, February 12, 2007


So today I had to deal with Dell again, and I have to say that I happy with them. My power bar for my XPS notebook was starting to fall apart, and I needed a new one, and since I got the 3 year warranty for the notebook, I called them, so that I can get a new one.
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Now I thought it was going to be a fight to get it replaced, however, it was fast and easy. I called them on Friday, and I got the new plug and power bar today. I think I will stick with Dell, for now

On another note, my weight lost plan, is not going as well as I would like, and I'm now going back to Slim Fast smile_embaressed; I'm finding that it is the only thing that works. Below is my weight lost chart so far.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

As you can see I keep going up and down, and it's starting to become frustrating. Now I know that I should not be frustrated, because the over all trend is down, I just hate waking up in the morning, finding out that my weight went up. It puts me in a bad mood for the rest of the day.

NOTE: If you are like me, and have a hard time staying away from McDonald's, you should try using their on-line nutrition calculator. I did it today, and it helped me pick items that I would like, but all under 1000 Calories.

This is what I had.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Yes, Yes, I had way too much, I know smile_embaressed but I was hungry, and my total calories for the day was under 1600, plus I'm going to go and play some volleyball, so I think(hope fingerscrossed) I'll be ok.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Pan's Labyrinth

Well some time has passed since the last time I have seen a movie in a theater, and Dan and I wanted to see something good but light. I was all gun-ho to see Norbit, however the web site Rotten Tomatoes gave it 9%, and Dan did not want to waste his time on a bad movie, so he suggested Pan's Labyrinth. Now he did not know anything about this movie, and he thought that it would be light, but good, was he in for a surprise.

Oh it was good, one of the best movies I have seen in a long time, however it is dark, gory, and sad. This had to be one of the best told fairy tails I have ever seen, even with the subtitles (mind you, I was not happy at first with the the fact that the movie was subed, however, its draw you in so fast, that it's not an issue).

This movie was rated 14+ in Canada, and I think it should be rated "R" (Yes, for me it was that gory, but it made the movie feel real).
8/10 This is a must see for people over 18 smile_regular

On a another note, Thank you hethos for the post card from London I just got it on Friday, I think I will start doing that as well. Send post card to people when I go on vacation

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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I took the Vista plunge

I guess I should not have upgraded to Windows Vista so soonsmile_embaressed. I was up until 4am this morning, trying to fix problems with Vista and all the programs I had installed on XP. First off, I knew what I was getting my self into doing an upgrade over a clean install, but I did not want to pay more then $200 for the new OS, so I got Vista home premium for $169.00 CAD.

I Think I have most of it working now, but I don't find the new updated OS as fast, as a clean install OS; I should have known that would happen. Now that I have seen both Premium, and Ultimate, I would like to get Ultimate, I just need to save up the money. There are some things in Ultimate that I would like to have in Premium, like the 3D windows list, you don't get that in Home Premium.

A progress note about my diet, I'm now under 175lbs; down to 172lbs. I'm really happy about this, I was stuck at 178 to 175 for the longest time, and it was become frustrating. I still have a long way to go, before I'm happy with my weight but things are looking up right now. I think that eating an apple or two a day is really helping; also I'm not eating anything after 8pm. That with the gym and volleyball is really start to working out.

I'm also starting on some brain exercises, that is my next big goal, to improve all things that have to do with my mind. I just need to know were to start.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Weekend Stuff, To Vista or not to Vista?

Well I lost all my money at poker this weekend, crap! Oh well it was fun, and it was really good to see Rod again, it's been a number of years now. We are going to try and have a poker night once a month from this point on.

Final Destination 3

Saw the movie Final Destination 3, and it did what it set out to do, nothing more, so if you like the first two, then you will like this one. otherwise, don't go and see this one. All your going to see in this movie is gross ways for people to die buy strange accidence's. the plot is lame and the dialogue is bad, however it has a chezz quality that did not offend.
4/10 blah smile_thinking

I did not do too much this weekend, we got Frodo cut, and watched lots of TV; Oh ya, I installed a trail version of vista, on my computer. For some reason, I really would like to get Vista Ultimate, however I do not want to spend a lot of money on it. A friend downloaded it from the internet, and said that I can install it, just don't enter in a S/N number when it asks for it, then you can use it for 30 days, and see if you want it or not, and also see if it's worth it. So I, backed up my computer and partitioned my hard drive (using Partition Magic ) and installed Vista, on the new partition. Well what do I think of vista? Well it is way too much money, I'm not going to pay over $500 for a new OS, not even $260 for Vista Basic. I did was a clean install of Vista Ultimate, and it worked with no problems at all, and it found new drivers for my Dell XPS; I find the interface fast and responsive, and I really like the look of it. What I don't like is all the popups asking me if I want to run the program, that I just doubled clicked on to run! I know it there for security, it's just annoying, that's all.

Now yes, they did "copy" some UI touches from the Apple OS, but I Like that they have done that, the Apple UI is amazing, and I would love to see that UI on a computer that I can play games on. 

The problem is, I can only afford Vista Home Premium Upgrade, for $169.00 but I want Vista Ultimate, for $499.00 . So if I do get the Premium upgrade, I will have to see if I can still do the same stuff that I now do on XP. I have found out that IIS is not installed by default in Home Premium, but I just have to add it in after. I will also need the Remote Desktop client, witch it does have, so far so good. What do you think should I wait or just go for it?

Friday, February 02, 2007

What a Day

Ok, the day is not going well, well it's not that bad, however things are just not working out for me today.

First off, I have been trying to lose weight this year, and I thought that I was doing good, I have drop 10lbs so far, but for the passed 2 1/2 weeks I can get below 175lbs, it's starting to become frustrating.

Next; my body pump class at the gym was just me and one other person for the first ten minutes, then one other person arrived, so it was just the 3 of us. I would feel better if there were more people.

And now, at work, I'm trying to work with Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition, and thing were going well, but now it's giving me this SQL Server error; that it can't connect to SQL Server, however the code should not be trying to connect to a database (so frustrating). On top of that, we are having network problems, so it now becoming hard to find help on-line.

On another note, I got a copy of Vista, to install on my laptop; It's just a 30 day trial. I want to make a dual boot, so that I can have XP and vista on the same box; hmm... .maybe I should not do this. Well I'm going to try what these guys did, and see if that works. and I hope I don't mess up fingerscrossed

Thursday, February 01, 2007

OK this is scary, but I don't believe it, I think, or a hope it's not true (9/11 Conspiracy )

A friend at work told me to watch this documentary on my vacation, however I did not have time. So I'm now watching it now, and the first 5 minuets of this video is compelling, and shocking. In short, the documentary is saying that 9/11 was planned and carried by the US government. I don't know what to think, and I don't want to believe it, but it is so compelling, and I don't have any counter point against the points made in the video (well the only point I can make is that, it's just to big too be keep a secret ). Take a look and make your own conclusions.

Loose Change 2nd Edition Recut

Dylan Avery, Korey Rowe, and Jason Bermas bring you the most powerful 9/11 Documentary yet