Monday, February 12, 2007


So today I had to deal with Dell again, and I have to say that I happy with them. My power bar for my XPS notebook was starting to fall apart, and I needed a new one, and since I got the 3 year warranty for the notebook, I called them, so that I can get a new one.
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Now I thought it was going to be a fight to get it replaced, however, it was fast and easy. I called them on Friday, and I got the new plug and power bar today. I think I will stick with Dell, for now

On another note, my weight lost plan, is not going as well as I would like, and I'm now going back to Slim Fast smile_embaressed; I'm finding that it is the only thing that works. Below is my weight lost chart so far.
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As you can see I keep going up and down, and it's starting to become frustrating. Now I know that I should not be frustrated, because the over all trend is down, I just hate waking up in the morning, finding out that my weight went up. It puts me in a bad mood for the rest of the day.

NOTE: If you are like me, and have a hard time staying away from McDonald's, you should try using their on-line nutrition calculator. I did it today, and it helped me pick items that I would like, but all under 1000 Calories.

This is what I had.
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Yes, Yes, I had way too much, I know smile_embaressed but I was hungry, and my total calories for the day was under 1600, plus I'm going to go and play some volleyball, so I think(hope fingerscrossed) I'll be ok.

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