Sunday, March 04, 2007


Back to the theaters, to see a movie with some friends; the company was good the movie was just ok. The first thing I would say about this movie is that you don't need to see this film at the theaters, it was not that good. The Acting was good, the story was interesting, and it was told in a very realistic format, and I'm afraid that its realism was the problem for me. I found myself boarded, or just not taken in by the story; however I can't say what they could have done better. One main problem was that they told you the end, at the beginning, and that works with some movies, however with this one (for me anyways) it's took way the punch line. OK I did not love the film, however, most people did; take a look at reviews on Rotten Tomatoes.

5/10 hmm.... I don't really know, good, but not good. smile_eyeroll

Dinner afterward was fun.

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