Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Years Eve, Movies reviews

New Years Eve Movies reviews This is just a list of movie that I have seen this year, but I did not blog about, for any number of reasons. This will be short and fast for each movie, and I hope I can remember them all.

This movie was about author Truman Capote played by Philip Seymour Hoffman, and the process he went though to write the book In Cold Blood. This was a vary well acted movie, and you can see that there was a lot of good work put into this film. However this film was boring and I don’t think that the story was well told. The acting was some of the best out there, but in the end I did not care. If you have read the book, in cold Blood, and loved it, this would be a good movie to watch, but I could not recommend this film for some one like me. This film was nominated for Best Picture; I can not understand this, it was that good.
5.5/10 Good Acting, but boring

I just saw this film, with some friend’s downtown, and it has been sometime since I have seen a movie downtown, or even taken a subway. Also this was the first time in a long time that I have had to sit in the corner of the theatre (it was a full house). Anyways, the movie how was it? Well I enjoyed it a lot; the end of the movie I found vary hard to watch, but that was because it was so well filmed. This movie felt so real and raw, I found myself questioning how they did a lot of the scenes. They do not give you a lot of back story; you have to look for the back story from other charters and thinks going on in the background.
7.5/10 You should go and see this movie

What can I say about this movie, well, it was stupid, dumb, a waist of time; the acting was so bad it was painful to watch. I really really hated this movie. Matthew Broderick was so bad in it, I can’t even describe it. It was long, and the more it went on, the more the anger built up inside me. This I would say was one of the worst movies I have ever seen in my life.
1/10 Crap Crap Crap. The 1 is for Nathan Lane, he was ok.

A nice simple movie about a very liberal family, were one of the sons wants to marry someone that is a bit uptight. There not much I can say about this one, it was advertised as a comedy, but it was not a comedy in my option. You can skip this one if you want, you wont be missing anything. It was not bad, but not a must see. Just life, I guess. One side note: there was a side story that should have been the main story.

5/10 it was ok

A good kids movie, that was simple and predicable. I did not think I would like this movie, however it was so well made, I found myself smiling by the end if it.

7/10 good one

I was looking forward to this one, and I really wanted to love it too, and based on the first two films, I thought that it would not fail, But it did. Ok, so what was wrong it? First of all,

1) Halle Berry was the wrong person to play Storm.
2) They should not do the Phoenix story if they don’t have Cyclops character.
3) The story could have focus on the Rogue character, but she did not have much of a part.

There were some good things about the movie, like Kelsey Grammer as Beast, it was a nice surprise
6/10 missed out on so much potential

Hmm… I did not think much of this one before it came out, and after it came out, and I saw it lived up to my expatiation. They tried to be like the first Superman movie, and that as both good and bad. The start of the movie was good, and they stuck with the look and feel of the it, with the score, and flying though space. Now this is were I think they should have left the 70s movie behind, and started something new, however, the only thing or person that they changed was Lois Lane, and not for better. I found that she was not a strong character (a she should be). Lex Luthor was the same as the first movie, and Kevin Spacey played him really good, but I felt that he was too much of a joke. Superman, played by Brandon Routh, was really good too, however, I find that this superman dose not really work today. The Superman in the cartoons and comic books is a much better Superman, and they should have tried to work with that character. Oh well They will just have to try again.
6/10 I think it was a failed attempt

Now this was a nice surprise; this was just a well told story that did not feel it, but it was over 2h long. If you have the time you should try and see this one. There were some problems with some parts of the story, but it did not mater, it was complex, but simple too, and it all comes together in the end. Well acted, and well filmed.
7/10 Good solid movie

Thursday, December 28, 2006

This is me

I have to get this poster for myself. I would say that this is me, and people that know me would say so too. This is now in my bothers room, I have to get it from him. He and his girl friend got it from the bus. [it says "Sorry Meg. Daddy loves ya. but Daddy also lover Star Trek. and in all Fairness, Star Trek was here first"]

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Oh and I have just found this internet tool, that will test your internet speeds. (It looks cool) If you people don't mind, could you test your speeds and tell me what you are getting. I want to know how bad my internet provider is. This is what I got

I hate my provider!!

Snow Day

Well today, we got snow, two days late for Christmas, and not that much, but snow. On my way to the gym I saw a min van in a ditch do to the black ice (the people in the car were ok). I feel that cars should come with the option of snow tires, but I don’t think that will happen.

Later on in the day I went over to my friend’s new home, downtown. I wish we could get a house downtown. Their home was so nice, and it was just renovated too, it would have been perfect for us, with four bedrooms (that is what we have now). And I love the way the kitchen looks.
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The only problem was that I was there a little too long, and I got a $30 parking ticket; sometime I really hate this city.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Boxing Day

What a waste of a day, I hate Boxing Day, I always go out on boxing Day, and never find what I want, or the stuff I want it not on sale, or it is already gone. Well this time we got up and left the house at 8am to get to the stores, and this time it was easier to find a parking spot (I will never understand why people have to try to find a spot right by the doors when there are zero), however I still did not get anything for myself that was on sale. I picked up the third X-Men movie, and a copy of The Transformers movie, that I always wanted, but they were not on sale; I had to use a gift card, blah!

Well we left all the crowds, around 11am and went over to Chapters, to look for some Christmas cards for next year (they always have good card, but they cost a lot). We did not find any however I picked up a book to try and get me back into Art and Drawing. “Drawing on the Right Side of the BrainHethos told me it was a good book, and I should try it out. I will try chapter 1 tomorrow after I go to the gym.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Surprise

This was a good Christmas, I got more then I could ever want, however, I gave Dan a new scale. I know I know, that is does not sound like a good gift, but he wanted it. Anyways I got him a scale, that will track your weight loss, your BMI, and a bunch of other stuff that I don’t understand yet, it will also tell you, your correct weight I just found out that I’m 10 lbs more then I thought I was, not a good day.

Other then that it was a good day, lost of food (can’t eat to much of it) and gifts

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Eve

Did not do too much today; got up; went out for my first jog; took some pictures, of the new fad to make your home all festive for the holiday season. Well at least a fad in my neighborhood. You will have to tell me if this is tacky or not. I like that people are doing things for Christmas, I just don’t know if these things are too much? Oh well I should not be bothered by this.
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After my jog, we went down town to Benny and Fabian place; went out for lunch, and saw their two new cats. Got to see them fight.
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Came back, and got some games for my new PS2 and Game Cube. Played a bit, but I had to stop, so that I can start to wrap presents.

Oh, now my neighbor, has one of these new, blow up Christmas things….
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Saturday, December 23, 2006

BBQ in the Rain, Yes it’s Christmas!

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We had our friends Mark and Tony come over for a BBQ, lol, we thought that the weather was going to be good, however it rained all day, it really sucked. How ever the burgers were good, and we had a good time. We had put up the Power Puff Girls Christmas lights that Tony gave us a few years ago, (I hate those lights) Dan thought would be funny.

But my real reason for wanting them to come over, was to get some early Christmas presents. Mark got the new Nintendo Wii, and Sony PS3, and he told me that I can have his old PS2 and Game Cube. Now I just have to find some games that I like.

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Tuesday, December 19, 2006


This is a hard one. Hmm… I really liked this movie, not because it was a good movie, that keep moving, and kept me interested; but for the message. I knew that the movie had an import message, so I gave it a lot of leeway. The acting was amazing, and the end was vary satisfying, however I found that the movie felt too long, and I did not understand what was going on for the first ¾ of the it. I would tell you to go and see this one, but I can see people getting board.
6.5/10 good message, you should see, but not a must see.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Casino Royale

I have never been the biggest James Bond fan, I could take it or leave it, when it came to 007. However, having all these people that this movie was amazing, I went to see it, and yes it was a good solid movie. One thing I like about this movie, and it’s take on 007, was that it was more grounded in reality, there was no sun laser, that threatened to destroy the Earth. They also removed some of the Bond clichés; names of the Bond women; some of his quick wit, and other things. This was a long movie but I did not feel the time go by. This is one movie I would suggest you go and see.

 7.5/10  A good solid movie

Monday, December 11, 2006

Slim Fast

Ok I’m at it again, trying to lose weight, I have been very good with exercise (5 times a week, doing something) however, the way I eat is just awful, so now I’m trying Slim Fast. I don’t know what made me pick it up, I just saw it in the grocery store, and picked it up for $9.75 CND (not bad). I have now been on it for a week, and I don’t know if it work or not, however I’m now saving some money, so some good may come from this. If this does not work, I will look into a personal trainer at my gym in February.

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