Thursday, April 26, 2007


I really did not want to see this movie, well not in a theater anyway's, and if you know me you know that don’t handle horror to well; well all I have to say after seeing it, is that I’m glad I did.

This movie will be soon forgotten, and will not win any Oscars, and Luke Wilson’s acting was not too convincing, but the movie was a thrill ride non-the-less. I really found this movie intense, almost too intense.  For me there was no big surprise, and no big twist, it was just scary.

Kate Beckinsale was really good in this movie.

On Rotten Tomato's, the critics did not think much of it, however people seemed to like it.

7/10 It did what it set out to do, without the go gore.thumbs_up

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Falling off the Wagon

The last two weeks have not been good for me and my diet.  After Easter, I have totally gone on an eating bender, and I know that I have gained back some of the weight that I have lost. It’s not fair, that it’s so easy to put on weight, however so hard to lose. God I have such a killer headache. 

Also I have not been keeping up with my blog entries, and I said to myself, that I would try and do an entry every day. So starting tomorrow, I have to get back on that horse, and go to the gym, eat right, and work on this blog.

On to better things; today I got together with an old high school friend, curtsey of FacebookThumbnail via WebSnapr: It was really good to see her again.

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Thursday, April 19, 2007

Flooring is done

Yesterday, they finally completed changing the upstairs carpet, we now have new carpet and hardwood on the upstairs level, and I think that is looks good. Now we have a lot of cleaning to do, on top of the general spring cleaning that has to be done. We have to clean the back yard, replace some trees, clean the basement, and now clean all the sawdust that is in the house (god how I hate Spring, bring on summer). 

Now, my task for next month is to redesign my office, but I don’t know where to start.


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Monday, April 16, 2007

Games, Games, Games

This weekend was gaming weekend for me. A friend of mine let me their XBOX 360 (he just got a new PS3, and is loving playing with it), I also played a lot of PC games, and won at poker (well not really won, just got my money back before the end of the night, sorry Rod, heheh).

Well, I started to play Supreme Commander once again. Last time, I was vary disappointed with it, but thought that I would give it another try, before I delete the demo. After working with the graphic settings again, and getting them to a point were I can play the game (it’s still not grate, but a lot better), I’m now having some fun with the demo, and I think I will get the full version now, and try and finish the game.

I love the Def-Jam series of fighting games, and have completed them all, even though I suck at video game (my list of completed games is small). So I down loaded the Demo for the new, Def-Jam ICONS, and all I have to say, is that I hate this game, I mean I really hate this game. And it’s really too bad, but that is why I love playing demos, I don’t have to waste money on a game that sucks. Also on the XBOX side of things, I’m finding that there are not too many games that I like. The only games I found fun to play were Dead or Alive 4, and 99 Nights, both are Japanese game, I don’t know what that means. So I wanted to know if my old copy of Def-Jam fight for YN for the old xBox would work for 360; and guess what, it does not work. Hmm.. I think I’m starting to look at the PS3, as my next game system, we will see. (I’m playing GOD of WAR 1 on my PS2 right now, it is so much fun, and it works on the PS3, just saying)

Onto on line games; witch is not my cup of tea, however something somewhere got me thinking about EVE-Online again, so I downloaded the 14 day trial to try.  I did that three weeks ago, and I’m still playing, it’s not the best game, and it’s a slow game, but for some reason I want to keep getting a bigger and bigger ship, so I’m still playing. Some people online have tried to talk to me, but I’m not ready to play with others yet, and I just don’t think I have the time to play with other people. When I play by myself, I can stop playing any time, I don’t think I can do that, with other people, with out pissing some people off.

So the games I’m playing right now are (or going to play):

Supreme Commander

God of War I & II

EVE Online

I’m going to look at Command and Conquer next, people are saying that it is good


Saturday, April 14, 2007

Long Time No blog Entry

Long time no blog entry

I have been negligent in my Blogging duties, among other things. A lot has transpired since my last entry; we got the new carpet put in, and new hard wood; had the family over for Easter; lost the last game in volleyball; saw a few movies, and other things

Where do I start? Well this is going to be a short blog entry, and I’m only going to touch on a few things.

My Diet; well it is going well, today I found myself at 163.7lbs. I started to slow down losing but it is still coming off which is nice, and I’m soon going to have to get a new wardrobe.
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Easter was fun, and it was nice having the whole family over. My younger brother brought over his xBox 360, and the whole family (even my mother) was playing it.
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We just had our last game in volleyball, against the #1 team, and lost, they were just better than us. Oh well there is always next year.
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The work we are doing on our house, in the upstairs is still not done, and now it is feeling like this is taking way to long, but we are getting a good price so we are not pushing it. It’s looking really good right now, and I can’t wait until it is done. When it is done, I will start to work on my office, and come up will a new look for it, even thou I don’t know what to do with it.
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I will talk about the Movies I saw in my next few blog entries.

Ok that is it for now. I will talk to you, (really, myself) later.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Blades of Glory

This weekend we wanted to something light and fun, and Blades of Glory seamed to fit the bill. Now I have to admit, that I was really in the mood for an over the top, funny movie. So I was looking forward to this one, and it did not disappoint. If you like Will Ferrell and his type of movie (like
Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby ), you will love this one. There are quite a number of sex jokes (howerver not gay sex jokes, surprisingly), so some people might not want to take the entire family. Now you need to understand, the the story is really over the top, and some people will just find it dumb, but in this case, I feel that it worked. It will be the perfect renter when it comes out on DVD.

I also loved Amy Poehler in this movie, I want to see more of her.

7.5/10 smile_wink I found myself laughing out loud at times

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Diet, and the Dog Whisperer

It has been some time since my last post, I have been a bit busy with the house and spring cleaning and the new carpet, (that has not been installed yet).

The Diet; well, it was going good until this weekend, then I fell off the wagon and ate way too much. I’m going to have a lot of work this week. Peter, I’m having a hard time with just eating good food to lose weight. I think I will be staying on the Slim Fast for just a bit longer.

I will have to thank my friend and his wife for coming by and showing our dog Frodo who’s boss and showing us how we have to be with Frodo; she was like the “Dog Whisperer”. They stopped by and brought their dog Popcorn; now if you know Frodo he hates any and all other dogs, and will do anything to get them to go away. Well Frodo tried to attack Popcorn, but I got him to sit down but he was still upset that Popcorn was there. I gave Frodo’s leash to my friend’s wife, and she was able to get Frodo to be calm, it was amazing, she was tough and firm. Now I’m going to be a lot tougher with him from now on.


Oh and I have finally wired the lower part of my house, and moved my desktop computer into the basement. It felt good to get that done.

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